- Estimated Weight (mass)
5,940,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons
- Estimated Age 4.6 billion years
- Current Population 7,000,000,001
- Surface Area 510,066,000 sq km
- Land Area 148,647,000 sq km 29.1%
- Ocean Area 335,258,000 sq km
- Total Water Area 361,419,000 sq km 70.9%
- Type of Water 97% salt, 3% fresh
- Circumference at the equator 40,066 km
- Circumference at the poles 39, 992 km
- Diameterat the equator 12,753 km
- Diameter at the poles 12,710 km
- Radius at the equator 6,376 km
- Radius at the poles 6,355 km
- Orbit Speeds The earth orbits the Sun at 66,700 mph (107,320 km per hour)
- Sun Orbit The earth orbits the Sun every 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
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